
The Residence

Our very first client ever, The Residence gave was the perfect way to kick off. We are happy to give them a calendar full of bookings.

The Story

The residence was a small bed and breakfast located in only Enschede, Netherlands. However they were doing zero marketing and getting most of their bookings due to solely their competitive location. They were in need of some brand building and marketing to raise awareness and drive sales through the roof. This started with a marketing campaign which then led to The Residence becoming a multi-location hotel franchise through out eastern Netherlands.

Platform Booked

Let's talk numbers

Their 50% capacity rate has gone up to 85% thanks to the remarkable work done by our marketing and development team. The Residence is now no longer a small Bed and Breakfast but a franchise of city apartments all around the eastern netherlands. They are now profiting more than ever before due to higher booking rates, better conversion on the website booking tool and avoiding 3rd party platform fees that was running them around 70,000 € annually per location.